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253 search results for: W


Business Law Section Updates Pro Bono Guide

If Spider-Man can do it, then so can the Business Law Section and other Florida lawyers. That’s the logic of section Chair Leyza B. Florin, explaining the section’s long-standing web of support for pro bono activities, just reinforced with the new revision of its Pro Bono Best Practices Guide.


Chambers 2020 Litigation Support Guide

Although the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic continues to cause major disruptions and volatility in global markets, economies, and businesses, at least one group of individuals carries on undeterred: fraudsters, con artists, Ponzi schemers, and their ilk.


11th Circuit Court Of Appeals Affirms Sequor Law Section 1782 Orders

Sequor Law, led by Arnoldo B. Lacayo and Cristina Vicens, secured a favorable ruling from the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals affirming the district court’s orders holding that Sequor Law’s client was entitled to receive judicial assistance under 28 U.S.C. § 1782.


2021 IWIRC Board of Directors Announced

The International Women’s Insolvency and Restructuring Confederation (IWIRC) recently announced that Sequor Law shareholder Leyza B. Florin will be the new Chair of the Board of Directors. She will be the first Hispanic to hold the position.